


神的爱【爱的算法】有一孩子,名叫小明,他对除法很有心得。一天,他的教师想在小明母亲面前显示她的教学成绩,就指桌上的苹果,对小明说:『瞧,这里有六个苹果,我们三人平分,每人几只?』小明说:『我得四只,你得二只,妈妈没有。』教师涨红了脸,对她说道:『不是算错了么?』小明不慌不忙的说:『一点也不错!妈妈很疼爱我,一定会把她所有的给我。』『神既不爱惜她的儿子为我们众人舍了,岂不也把万物和她一同白白的赐给我们么。』(罗马书八章三十二节)【先拿你的份】有人送某农家一小筐苹果。送来的人去后,群儿纷纷进来抢取。杰美因为腿瘸,来得迟了,所以一只也没有得到,于是苦丧着脸倚在墙角那里。母亲忽然闯了进来;斥责群儿说:『孩子们!将苹果通通放在筐子里。』群儿个个依命放回。母亲接着又说:『杰美,你先拿你的份。』这是在母爱的监护之下,杰美得到他的份。『不在乎那定意的,也不在乎那奔跑的,只在乎发怜悯的神。』(罗马书九章十六节)【God’s Love】One day a single friend asked a father of four, “Why do you love your kids?” The father thought for a minute, but the only answer he could come up with was “Because they’re mine.” The children had no need to do anything to prove themselves to this father. He took them just as they were. So it is with God’s love for us. He loves us as we are, and it is his love that motivates us to trust and obey him in return.【God’s Love】The love of God is like the Amazon River flowing down to water one daisy.【God’s Love】I asked Jesus how much he loved me. He stretched out his arms and said, “This much”—and died.【God’s Love】A father was tucking in his six-year-old son for the night. The father asked him, “Son, when does Daddy love you the most? When you’ve been fighting with your sister and getting into a lot of trouble? Or when you’ve been real helpful to Mommy and real nice to everyone?” The son thought for a moment and then said, “Both times!” “Right,” the father said, “and do you know why?” “Cause I’m your special guy,” replied the boy. For that was his daddy’s pet name for him, “Daddy’s Special Guy.” The boy knew his father loved him, no matter what, because he was “Daddy’s Special Guy.” God loves us the same way. He loves us unconditionally because we are his “special guys.”【God’s Love】On the whole, God’s love for us is a much safer subject to think about than our love for him.—C.S. Lewis【Mercy】Long ago, a poor woman from the slums of London was invited to go with a group of people for a holiday at the ocean. She had never seen the ocean before, and when she saw it, she burst into tears. Those around her thought it was strange that she should cry when such a lovely holiday had been given her. “Why in the world are you crying?” they asked. Pointing to the ocean she answered, “This is the only thing I have ever seen that there was enough of.” God has oceans of mercy. There is enough of it-and God delights to show his mercy and compassion (Micah 7:19).【Mercy】The story has been told of a mother who sought from Napoleon the pardon of her son. The emperor said it was the man’s second offense, and justice demanded his death. “I don’t ask for justice,” said the mother. “I plead for mercy.” “But,” said the emperor, “he does not deserve mercy.” “Sir,” cried the mother,” it would not be mercy if he deserved it, and mercy is all I ask.” “Well, then,” said the emperor, “I will show mercy.” And her son was saved.【Mercy】The story is told of a politician who, after receiving the proofs of a portrait, was very angry with the photographer. He stormed back to the photographer and arrived with these angry words: “This picture does not do me justice!” the photographer replied, “Sir, with a face like yours, you don’t need justice, you need mercy!”【Mercy】It is our misery that calls forth God’s mercy. A parent knows how this is. When a child is suffering from a severe cold with a sore throat, runny nose, severe congestion, and assorted aches and pains, and all he can do is throw his arms around your neck and cry-what does this evoke in you as a parent? It awakens your pity, and you reach out and try to relieve the child’s distress in any way you possibly can. Why? Because his misery has called forth your mercy.